Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Response to Brittany's Blog

                After reading Brittany’s blog post talking about ethics and medicine, I would partially agree with her view on abortion. When given the choice of pro-life vs. pro-choice, Brittany chose the side of pro-choice.  Her man agreement is that if a person was raped then they should have the choice whether to abort or keep the unborn child. I would have to agree 100% with her on that topic of pro-choice.
                In the blog, there is a point brought up about favoring both sides of abortion. Many people believe that it is not possible to favor both sides. I would have to say that I am one of those people who do agree with both sides of pro-life or pro-choice. I believe that circumstances will dictate as to whether abortion should be allowed or not. In Brittany’s example above, I would agree that a raped victim should not be responsible for raising a child, because she was the victim of a crime and she had no say in the matter.  However, if a couple accidently gets pregnant, with or without the use of protection, they both consented to sexual intercourse and they should be held accountable for their actions.
 As stated in my previous blog post, people don’t learn from their errors if they just “abort” the problem and go on living with their lives. They will not learn anything and will most likely accidently get pregnant again. The process will keep repeating, because they think that creating, and then taking away life, is no big deal. I am not saying that having a child should be a punishment. I am trying to convey an important message: if you make the choice to have sexual intercourse, and get by chance get pregnant, then it is time to learn from this moment and grow up to become competent, mature, adults. It’s not the end of the world, but it does mean that you need to mature faster than your peers.

Ethics in Medicine

There are multiple ethical conflicts in medicine today. One highly publicized topic is abortion. Many people believe that abortion is the killing of an innocent life.  The article, Against Abortion: The Main Arguments, by Freeda Poux, states that deciding to take a life is going against God’s will, and they assume the role of God when taking a life. Their belief is that: killing a child, because of unplanned pregnancy, should be a crime, and is not “the easy way out” for lack of self control when it comes to sex.  If couples’ do not want the risk of a pregnancy, there are birth control pills, and condoms that can be used to reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy.
                There are, however, people who support abortions. These people believe that unplanned parenthood can lead to multiple problems. Bringing a child into a young couples lives with little income will lead to maltreatment of the child’s life. Poverty, malnourishment, and neglect are some of the effects on a child that is raised by parents who are not “fit” or too young to raise a child. These supporters would also argue that it helps keep the population in control.  A person’s right as to whether he/she wants to keep the child is also a factor that plays into the support for abortion. The article, By Their Fruits: Eugenics, Population Control, and the Abortion Campaign, by Dr. Joy Riley, supports the Abortion Campaign across the United States. Dr. Riley funds the organization, because she believes in population control. She believes that: “medicine should help resolve the dangerous situation [over population] this has caused.” To be honest I really don’t agree with Dr. Riley.
                I believe that people need to take responsibility for their own actions. Humans won’t learn from their errors if they can simply with “abort” the problem and continue on with their daily lives.  There are birth control methods that can be used to reduce the risk of pregnancy and people need to take those precautions if they want to reduce the likelihood of being parents.