Saturday, October 30, 2010

Technorati: Facets of Hunger in Childhood Obesity

      After using Technorati, I found a great blog on childhood obesity.  The Childhood Obesity Network is a blog that talks about different viewpoints on the primary causes and the multiple solutions to childhood obesity.  This particular blog, “Facets of Hunger in Childhood Obesity” by Pat Hartman, talks about how children are put into an environment that surrounds them with “cheap food drugs.” These "drugs" will be eaten by children to add to their enjoyment of a particular activity, or will just be eaten out of sheer boredom.  Pat Hartman writes a new blog on the topic of childhood obesity almost everyday.  Many hyperlinks are included in each blog post to give the readers more information about what he is trying to talk about.  Some of the topics that are hyperlinked are: “Overweight Kids? Feed Them Compassion and Mindfulness,” and “When There Is Nothing to Do but Eat.”  These hyperlinks bring the reader to other blogs supporting his statements, and professionally cited documents proving the points he is trying to make.  Pat Hartman also includes a photo for every one of his blog posts and also includes quotes from other blogs, or comments from other readers.  Overall, Pat Hartman is very involved in his blog posts and spends a lot of time putting these posts together.
      I would have to agree with Pat Hartman’s beliefs on childhood obesity.  This blog post was created on October 19, 2010.  Having cheap food that is at every social function, or form of entertainment, can be a bad idea.  Food makes social events or entertainment more enjoyable, but can also lead to over consumption.  Children will eat these highly accessible sugary, high fat, and cheap foods without knowing when they have eaten to much.  In agreement with Pat Hartman, you can do the right thing and bring sliced apples to a social function, but more than likely they will be overshadowed by the platter of colorfully decorated sugar cookies.  One area of interest that I believe is an important topic is elementary school lunches.  With low budgets, schools can only afford to bring cheap, unhealthy, and colorless food into our children’s lives.  I believe that Pat Hartman should look into this matter if he wants to find another cause of childhood obesity.  This would make another great topic for his blog posts.

By Pat Hartman. (10/19/10)

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